Sample Social Media Posts

Full disclosure. I am Gen X and probably technology and social media is a skill set far down on my list of things I’m “good at.” But, I try. These are social media posts I have done – but I encourage you to use your own creativity and platform to engage with your communities.
On Critical Race Theory
Elementary and Secondary schools don’t teach critical race theory – check out what it is truly. The AAPF is an organization co-founded and run by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a legal scholar who was one of the scholars to define Critical Race Theory. www.aapf.org
Want to know what the fight over critical race theory is really about? #TruthBeTold Campaign. Watch this video from the African American Policy Forum.
Listen to Kimberlé Crenshaw explain exactly what critical race theory is – and why the conservative movement is freaking out – and coming to your school board!
Elementary and Secondary schools don’t teach critical race theory – check out what critical race theory really is here: African American Policy Forum! The AAPF is an organization co-founded and run by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a legal scholar who was one of the scholars to define Critical Race Theory.
On Banned Books
A Short List of Books Under Fire as a Result of the latest Fear Outcry from folks who don’t want kids to learn about the world in which they live!
[link to list of banned books from crttoolkit.com or link to https://bannedbooksweek.org/banned-books-week-2021-books-unite-us/]
Listen to these authors of children’s books speak on the recent challenges to their books thanks to folks who don’t believe in kids learning about their world!
Are you curious about what books people are fighting to get out of schools when it comes to the latest “Critical Race Theory” fears? I was. Parents and community members – Reading and learning is essential to the growth of good whole human beings. You might think all is fine in your district or at your school – but maybe send a note of support anyway. These are amazing books that have changed the way I think. Support teachers, librarians, schools, and most of all THE KIDS.
[link to list of banned books from crttoolkit.com or link to https://bannedbooksweek.org/banned-books-week-2021-books-unite-us/]