Get Active!

If you are like me, if things are going fine, you probably don’t think to say anything! It’s time to stop that. Your school teachers, administration, board, and Superintendent all need to know how you are feeling. Upset people seem like they are the only ones. Don’t let that happen.
School District Website
Attend your local school board meetings! Speak up!
Look at the school board members. Hopefully there’s an email address or a way to contact them – reach out. Tell them who you are and thank them for their service. Most school boards are volunteer elected officials – or near volunteer.
Tell Them:
If you have kids in the district
If you live in the district
What schools your kids go to – or what your neighborhood school is
What have you seen that you like and support in school?
Check out “Tips on Working with School Boards” from the NEA EDjustice Organization
Check out Justin Kanew speaking at his local board meeting:
Local Elected Officials/State Board of Education
Find your local elected officials.
Tell them:
Who you are.
Tell them about your school – whether it’s one your kid attends or a local neighborhood school.
Tell them about the professionalism of the teachers, about the programming involved.
School Board Races
We say it all the time, but ALL elections, ALL the time matter.
Get on board with paying attention to your school board races.
Spread the Word
Look for social media campaigns:
#truthbetold – is a project of the African American Policy Forum
#TeachTruth – is a project of NEA EdJustice group
Talk on your social media platforms and with your friends! Check out some samples for writing social media posts
Watch For Challenges To Books, Resources and Other Materials In Your School
Here are some ways you can take action about books, book collections and supporting the professional educators and librarians right now in your town. Read more here.
In Leander Texas, parents recently complained about book lists for book clubs and the district pulled multiple books from lists for teens. Read more here.
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas has been regularly challenged since its publication in 2017. Recently it’s become part of the CRT culture wars controversy. Read more here.