Articles To Learn More About This Cultural Moment – and How To Support Teachers

- Bob Kim. “What Critical Race Theory is And What It Means for Teachers,” Heinemann Blog. A good explanation of critical race theory, the laws “banning” the teaching of critical race theory being passed in many states, and what teachers need to know as they teach through all of this.
- Olivia B. Waxman. “Critical Racial Theory Is Simply the Latest Bogeyman. Inside the Fight Over What Kids Learn about America’s History.” Waxman discusses the politically motivated campaigns that are trying to weaponize the teaching of critical race theory. Waxman explains, “our understanding of the past is a key factor in how we envision our future. This is a story about the story – and the myths – America tells about itself.”
- “#TruthBeTold – Resist Trump’s Equity Gag Order,” a publication of the African American Policy Forum. This publication reviews President Trump’s Executive Order 13950 which banned federal agencies, grant recipients, and contractors from conducting trainings and activities that address systematic racism and sexism. This executive order, they argue, has spurred much of the latest fury over critical race theory in the public sphere.
- Jane Coaston. “The intersectionality wars.”
An in-depth discussion of what conservatives have against intersectionality and CRT – basically they think the “term” and analysis is correct, but are unhappy with the application.
- “Educators Step Up Demand for Racially Diverse Curriculum: Educators and Students are pushing back against attempts by some lawmakers to ban certain classroom materials that focus on racism and racism.” An article from the National Education Association that details some of the ways students and teachers are fighting efforts to ban classroom materials that address diversity, race and racism.
- National Council for The Social Studies. “Saving American History? Start by Teaching American History.”
A response paper by the National Council for Social Studies that outlines many of the state level bills and efforts to censor or ban specific resources, books, and lessons from instruction for K-12 schools.
- National Council for the Social Studies. “Teaching About Slavery Using the 1619 Project and other Resources.”
A current events response to the attempts at the federal level to take funds from schools and/or districts that use the 1619 Project curriculum in the classroom. They state:
“Slavery is hard history that must be actively addressed in social studies classrooms. Aversion to slavery in the social studies curriculum only serves to miseducate students who will carry the mantle of being citizens in our democratic society. Recognizing the origins, evolution, and legacy of slavery is vital to understanding how racial inequality and oppression currently operate in our society. Without this knowledge, it will be impossible for students to make informed and reasoned decisions and engage in deliberations that advance the common good.Targeting resources that help social studies teachers cultivate more knowledgeable citizens is not the role of the federal government. We stand with all of the schools, school districts, and teachers who use resources like the 1619 Project to accurately depict the history of slavery in the United States, broaden the horizons of their students, and prepare citizens for a just democratic society.”
- “Right-Wing Campaign to Block Teaching for Social Justice,” Zinn Education Project June 20, 2021.Discussion about the movements behind legislation to ban “critical race theory” in elementary and secondary schools. Includes links to other articles and resources to learn more about this political movement propelled by white supremacy.
- Emerson Sykes and Sarah Hinger. “State Lawmakers are Trying to Ban Talk About Race in Schools,” ACLU, May 14, 2021. An article from the ACLU about efforts to ban and censor curriculum in elementary and secondary schools. Sykes and Hinger argue that conservative lawmakers claim to hold free speech as sacred – yet are pushing these efforts. Includes strategies for how lawmakers and activists can counter these efforts.
- Rita Omokha. “How Critical Race Theory Mastermind Kimberle Crenshaw Is Weathering the Culture Wars,” Vanity Fair, July 29, 2021. Profile of legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw which includes her thoughts on the attempts to ban “critical race theory” in K-12 schools. Crewshaw is one of the scholars that coined the term “critical race theory.”
- For another tool kit – please click here for an expansive resource from the organization Learn From History. Like me, they want to help parents and communities stand up against this dangerous and anti-democratic movement against teaching about our past – all of it. With partners like Teach for America and the American Historical Association – educators and historians can help us all find their way through this to support teaching history rooted in anti-racism and honest discussions about the American past.